Call for Contributions to Pro Arts Jersey City’s 2021 Collection of Art & Writings!
This year’s book will be similar to last year’s, “575 Can You Haiku?”
with a different poetic verse pattern.
What’s a Cinquain?
And, how do you pronounce it?
A cinquain (pronounced siNG kān), is a verse in five lines.
The line pattern of syllables is 2, 4, 6, 8, 2.
Title: What’s a Cinquain? (And, how do you pronounce it?)
Pro Arts book project organized by Dorie Dahlberg
Last year’s book of haiku and art was a huge success! 40 members contributed to 575 Can You Haiku? resulting in a gorgeous catalog of your colleagues’ work. This year please write a cinquain (pronounced siNG kān), to accompany one piece representative of the art you make. We will again publish the collection in time for holiday gift giving.
Publication Date: Fall 2021
Exhibition Dates: TBA
ART150 Gallery at 150 Bay St. Jersey City NJ
As a members’ project and exhibition, submission is FREE for Pro Arts members.
If you are not a member, you must join Pro Arts for the membership year beginning July 1, 2021.
This is not a juried project so please contribute ONE image and one verse.
Commission: Pro Arts does not charge commission
Submission Guidelines:
1. Select a work of art you feel is representative of what you do. It doesn’t have to be a new piece for the book and exhibition although you might have time to make something new!
2. Write a cinquain about the piece. The form is in five lines: 2 syllables, 4 syllables, 6 syllables, 8 syllables, 2 syllables. It can be the inspiration behind the piece; your experience making it; why you selected this piece; where it is now; anything that relates to the specific artwork!
Here is an example of a cinquain which just happens to be about the syllabic form!
First two
Followed by four
You then increase to six
The second to last line is eight
The end
3. Submit a high-resolution jpg image (300)ppi no larger than 4mb total (2mb minimum). See some help about pixels and resolution below, if you need it. The file name for the artwork MUST be:
(dimensions = vertical x horizonal)
It is not the curator’s job to resize and rename your files.
4. Attach a Word document (not a pdf and not in the body of your email) named: LastName_FirstName_ArtworkTitle_Cinquain with the following information:
∙ Name, phone number, website, facebook and/or Instagram handle
∙ The cinquain.
∙ The artwork description written in label form:
Artist Name
Medium & Dimension (Note: the vertical dimension goes first)
Price or NFS
ex: Mickey Mouse
Welcome to My House
Oil on Canvas 30×40”
Medium: Images of all media will be accepted; obviously not video but a still from a video is fine.
Submit to: Dorie Dahlberg at dorieruth@gmail.com
Subject Line: Cinquain –YourLastName
DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING WORK: August 1, 2021 midnight
(That’s two months from now but maybe you don’t have to wait to the last minute. Just sayin’)
Please, please, please honor the deadline! Getting your contribution to Dorie is just the beginning of a labor intensive project on a very tight timeline.
Please email Dorie with questions and concerns.
This is extremely important! If you don’t know how to size the image file and/or set the resolution of your file, please learn how or get assistance from someone well BEFORE the deadline!
If you don’t understand pixels, resolution, and file size, here is a short video that might help. Remember, the resolution for screens defaults to 72ppi (pixels per inch) but for printing our book we need 300ppi. File size is the total of all the data (digital information) in your file. File size is measured in kb (kilobytes) and mb (1 megabyte = 1000kb). The total file size of a color image at high resolution is going to be a bigger file than one of a black line drawing on white. There is just more information in a color file. That said, please don’t send huge files; do not send tiff files. Our book can be printed with images that are 300ppi resolution; files no larger than 3-4mb (B&W, even less).