In an effort to broaden the participation, sensibilities and viewpoints of exhibitions we present to the arts community, Pro Arts Jersey City accepts proposals for solo and group shows, as well as special projects, on an on-going basis. Exhibition proposals are reviewed regularly by a curatorial team of Pro Arts leadership.
All proposals must include:
-A brief (500 word) written description of the concept or theme of the exhibition, including your intention or interest; identify yourself as the curator and/or an exhibiting artist
-projected time frame from acceptance to completed installation (3 months, 6 months, one year, etc.) if work is in progress
-5 to 10 examples of work representative of all artists to be included in the exhibition, if not in progress (72dpi, maximum 1200px on the widest side)
-Group proposals should provide a list of all participating artists and include their CVs; individual statements could be helpful in supporting the proposal
-Identify any special equipment or other requirements you may need that may become an impediment to presenting this proposed exhibition.
Preference will be given to those proposals that are well organized, include professional representation (image quality and size) of artwork, and demonstrate a clear understanding of the exhibition space and its audience.
Please submit proposals to proartsjcexhibition@gmail.com