Alexandra Álvarez is an artist and entrepreneur, living in the United States for 9 years. She portrays her life between two cities, New York and Jersey City producing cultural events to connect people’s lives through art. She has developed her artistic work around combining elements destined to generate a discourse with a powerful message. Art is her channel to find answers and her daily inspiration is her daughter. Her works have been exhibited in Venezuela and in different cities around the world such as Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Jersey City, Pennsylvania, Portland, San Francisco, Miami and New York. As well as maintaining her own dedicated studio practice, Alexandra is passionate about supporting other artists. She founded Guaicora Studios and runs the Venezuela Art Fair, happening annually.


Alexandra Alvarez’s Genesis is a consuming allegory of oneness. Pulling from a spectrum of religious, spiritual, and mythological documentation of why we are here to include The Bible and The Popol Vuh, Alvarez ties together the holographic truth of our kind in a ubiquitous message of beginning. Savor the colors of immortality as they coalesce in images of purpose. Explore the universality of our condition: the human condition. Genesis invites you to feel comfort in erasure of distinction when it comes to our corporeal justification. Notice the comparisons your mind will yearn to make when observing the object of creation. The cosmic playground of Alvarez’s kaleidoscopic essence deconstructs time and linearity as well as organized religion.

No matter who your savior is, they are not just externally omniscient, they exist within you too. Turn to the divinity inward and worship it, for it is a miracle to be alive. Wether our skin is an artifact of clay and the breath of life or a devolution of purity, we cannot rest until we have a good enough reason for being alive, so, neither could Alvarez. We walk through life with different convictions of morality and fracturing methods of doing so. These derivations of tutorial correctness and by proxy the fear of God, death, and nothingness they inspire muddle the ulterior motive of our various creators. This divine motive is of course, love.

The most important part of any creation story is the love by the celestial of the terrene. We are all simply children on the heavenly timeline. Across all fractal distinctions of religion and spirituality in their teachings of how to be, we are all one in our Genesis. First there was nothing, and then there was life.
